
Paulyr Buehler was born in 1944 in the Swiss Canton of Grisons where he studies and receives his
first education in the field of art.

In 1967 he moves to Paris where he continues his artistic formation; subsequently he resides in London and later on in Milan.

From the mid 70’s he lives and works in Tuscany, dedicating himsef to various artistic forms; first sculptures with natural materials with which he opens a gallery, “Arte d’Ambiente” in Milan; then fusions of silver and bronze and compositions with precious elements, culminating in actual objets d’art which combine painting and goldsmithing.

At the same time he produces a considerable number of oil and pastel paintings.

In recent years he occupies himself mainly with artistic installations and photography. The result of this research is the union of his extremely personal assemblages-sculptures-installations as well as his most original way of photographing them, obtaining extraordinary and intriguing effects.